Once a person ends his education he wishes to get a Job or a start his own business or practice his profession . But sometimes because of various personal and professional reasons a person fails in starting or continuing his employment for a long point of time.
This delayed start in a person’s career or a disruption in his ongoing professional life brings his life to a complete standstill
An unemployed person starts looking at life from a completely different perspective.
Following are some of the perspectives from an angle of an unemployed person :
- Financial : Any person’s first reason for getting an employment is to earn money so as to fulfill his needs.
A person’s need is not merely confined to the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter but also towards ensuring that he is able to meet special needs such as medical emergencies.
People today take Medical insurance and life insurance policies so that in case of emergency he and his family are secured. All these insurances come for a price which are paid in the form of premiums.
Along with insurance policies people also save money for the future of their family and retirement in the form of deposits, Mutual funds , Bonds , shares etc. Such savings and investments helps a person to meet special needs such as education and retirement.
- Social : Right from childhood we have been hearing that man is a “social animal” and that we all live in a society. The society has always been interdependent on each other . A student is dependent on a teacher for knowledge , and a teacher is dependent on a doctor for his health and a doctor is dependent upon scientists for new researches in the field of medicines which he can prescribe to his patients for their treatment.
And there are a number of other ways in which we can see everyone is dependent upon each other for their needs.
Also when a person has an employment he earns prestige and respect of the because of such interdependence in the society.
- Psychological upliftment : When a person gets a job he uses his knowledge and skill to accomplish his assigned task . When he completes his task the way his superiors expects him to do he is praised and rewarded.
Such a reward infuses a sense of confidence in him which makes him happy and satisfied. When that person gets a promotion or any other form of reward he is recognised in his family and peer groups.
Along with it the salary or any other form of compensation that a person gets gives that person a sense of self satisfaction. Looking at the performance of their employee his superiors make him more involved in the decision making process which further infuses confidence in that employee.
- Skill Enhancement : When a person works at any place it not only uses his skill set but it also provides him with an opportunity to enhance it. A management graduate working in a pharma company may acquire knowledge of medicines and its various formulations.
Similarly a person managing a business acquires the knowledge and skill of accounting , inventory management and public relations which helps him to expand his business .
Being employed helps a person to further his skills set which in the longer run helps him for the growth of his career.
When a person is employed be it in the form of a job or business , he not only earns money but also earns respect of the society thereby increasing his confidence . A jobless person despite all his qualifications may sometime fail to get respect an recognition in the society. Also an employed person contributes to the benefit of the society. Probably this is why Mahatma Gandhi said “work is worship” .